Since sash windows do so much for your property, you need to do what you can to maintain them. If you are currently experiencing problems, you can rely on us. We are known for providing first rate sash window restoration Northumberland residents can count on. Using our experience and the right techniques, we bring each property back to its prime condition. Continue reading “How long will my double glazing last?”
How to correctly handle sash window repairs
Windows may not work properly if you don’t keep them in great condition. Our team can provide assistance in this area. We do so by offering the finest sash window restoration Northumberland has available. This includes using the best techniques and the highest quality equipment to achieve a wonderful outcome each time. Continue reading “How to correctly handle sash window repairs”
The delicate nature of listed buildings
Windows need upkeep in order to avoid issues. With sashes, this work is even more vital. These designs add a great deal to a property’s aesthetics. Knowing this, we offer the best sash window restoration Northumberland has ever seen. It will retain the features and protect the performance. Continue reading “The delicate nature of listed buildings”
Be aware of the window regulations
Sash windows can be a great feature on many properties. They are especially eye catching when they are original Georgian designs. With years of experience working with them, we know they can add a lot of value. However, they can also do the opposite if they deteriorate. We stop this by offering the greatest sash window restoration Northumberland residents can ask for. Continue reading “Be aware of the window regulations”
The best ways to secure your windows
Sash windows add value to a property, but only if they are intact. The moment you notice that something is wrong, you need to take action. To help streamline this process, we began our business. We offer customers the finest sash window restoration Northumberland can provide. So, clients all over the region can rely on us to look after their windows. Continue reading “The best ways to secure your windows”
The perfect companion pieces to sash windows
Sash windows are popular because of the beauty they add to a property. If you own some of them, people are much more likely to stop and take a look. This is especially useful if you are intending to sell at some point in the future. However, if you allow them to degrade, they will have the opposite effect. We can help people who have done just that. To do so, we offer the finest sash window restoration Northumberland has. Continue reading “The perfect companion pieces to sash windows”