At some stage, your windows are going to need some maintenance. This is the area our team specialises in. It is our job to supply the finest services for sash window restoration Northumberland has. We understand these windows better than anyone else. Additionally, we know how important they are to a building for functionality and aesthetics. So, we do everything we can to restore them. Continue reading “Should I choose spiral balance or box sash windows?”
Insulating windows for the winter
Sash windows provide property owners with a stand-out feature that draws attention. To really benefit though, you must maintain them. This isn’t always the easiest thing to do, especially if you have really old timber ones and don’t know what to do. Fortunately, we make it easy to address any and all issues. Thanks to us, you can enjoy the finest services for sash window restoration Northumberland has. Continue reading “Insulating windows for the winter”
Are children safe around sash windows?
Our primary goal is to offer stellar services to restore sash windows. We take any that are showing signs of deterioration and make them look as good as new. Using our perimeter sealing system, we are able to work more efficiently. It allows us to remove the sash from the inside instead of having to use a ladder from the outside. The result is the top services for sash window restoration Northumberland has. Continue reading “Are children safe around sash windows?”
Are my sash windows secure enough?
Sash windows are an excellent feature on any home. They allow it to stand out without much effort. However, it is only the case for as long as they are in good condition. If they deteriorate, they cannot do much of anything. Luckily, when there is a problem, you can come to us. We offer the finest services for sash window restoration Northumberland can ask for. Continue reading “Are my sash windows secure enough?”
Curtain styles you should consider for sash windows
Sash windows are among the most alluring features of any property. However, they will only stay this way if you look after them correctly. We help with this by offering the finest services for sash window restoration Northumberland has. Our team uses the highest quality equipment and most efficient techniques for repairs. Continue reading “Curtain styles you should consider for sash windows”
The sash has horns
Sash windows need care if you expect them to do the job they were made for. If you neglect the upkeep, you may find they can’t open to provide ventilation. It is also likely you will ruin the aesthetic characteristics. We are professionals when it comes to keeping these features in check. Our company provides the highest quality services for sash window restoration Northumberland has. Continue reading “The sash has horns”