Evidence that your sash windows need repairs

Evidence that your sash windows need repairs

sash window restoration NorthumberlandWhen people want to buy a period property and make it a home, a feature they often look for is sash windows. Maintenance is vital to preserving the heritage and charm of sashes. It also helps them last longer. When minor maintenance is not enough, you should turn to the sash window restoration Northumberland can trust.

It is important that you regularly inspect windows and check for issues. This is even more crucial if you have old timber sashes. There are certain signs to look for that indicate it is time to turn to professional services to get them back in good condition.

Difficult operation

Older properties have seen various owners and a lot of decoration. In this time, sashes are often painted shut. There are some that have, over the years, got to a state where they can open but won’t stay that way. You can restore them to improve the fit and allow you to open and close them as much as you would like. This provides you with the chance to ventilate your space and better control the temperature.

Timber rot

A common issue people encounter is rotten timber in the sashes or the window sill. This happens from years of dealing with British rain and wind. A thorough examination is necessary to determine the extent of the issue and figure out the best approach going forward. Extensive rot will call for a full replacement of the sill and lower box to maintain strength.

Poor aesthetics

A period window can enhance a room by bringing classic proportions and a gentle nod to historical architecture. At the same time, they perform the practical functions that you need from windows. Sometimes sashes work perfectly but no longer look like they did in their former glory. It is at this time you should consider upgrading the hardware with a new lick of paint and deal with any other aesthetic issues.

Professional sash window restoration in Northumberland

This is not all though; there are many other issues you might need to address like draughts and rattling. At David Humble, we help customers retain as much of the original window as we can. At the same time, we tackle issues such as leaks, heat loss, and those listed above. Renovations can solve problems while maintaining your home’s heritage.

When they are in need of sash window restoration Northumberland home owners can turn to us for work with a specialist touch. Contact us to book our services or to learn more about what we do.

Sash window restoration matters more than you might realise

Everyone should commit to preserving original wood frame sash windows. They tend to be a common part of Georgian or Victorian architecture. This feature of historic houses is a beautiful one that deserves protection. At David Humble we provide the best sash window restoration Northumberland offers. As a result, we can protect these windows, even catering for homes with Grade 1 or Grade 2 status. Continue reading “Sash window restoration matters more than you might realise”