What era do my windows come from?

Sash windows are features that stand out more positively than many of the others on your property. If you make the effort to keep them in shape, the people who walk by your house will definitely appreciate the effort. What’s more, it will help if you are looking to sell it. Should you find your windows in a state of disrepair, you will want to seek help from our company. We are the top business excelling in sash window restoration Northumberland has. Continue reading “What era do my windows come from?”

Repair your windows now rather than later

Sash windows do not last forever, especially when they are timber and have to cope with the harsh British weather. Over time, they will deteriorate. Make sure you don’t wait too long if your windows need repairs as this can end up costing you more. Instead, you should arrange for sash window restoration Northumberland can always count on. David Humble delivers excellent results on every job. Continue reading “Repair your windows now rather than later”